Saturday, September 22, 2012

Smoak Family Reunion

Joyce, Odes, Wanda, Gibson, Jackie and Skeebo Smoak
Survivors Wanda and Jackie

Today was the 3rd Smoak Family Reunion. 

The first was in 2004, arranged by my husband, the year he was battling cancer. 
It would be the last time that Gibson and all of his siblings would be present.  Gibson passed away January 23, 2005.

Last year in September, his oldest sister, Wanda, put together another reunion.  She herself has been suffering from poor health, having had a double lung transplant.  It was a very nice time with all present except their brother Skeebo.  He just said he couldn't make it.  To the shock and surprise of everyone, he was found dead October 17, 2011.

With only two surviving siblings, Wanda and Jackie, another reunion was planned for today.  Wanda was unable to get Jackie to commit to coming to the reunion, and was quite upset about it.  Because her health continues to deteriorate, I feel she thinks this could be her last, and she wanted desperately to share a day with her family.  This morning, Wanda's oxygen warning went off sending her to the hospital.  She was admitted where she still is.  So, this year there were no siblings at the reunion.

There were Aunts, Uncles, Nieces, Nephews, G'Babies, etc., but the nucleus of the whole were missing.  Year after year, people disappear from photos.  Death is surreal, so we need to make life real!  

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