Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I Am Safe Now


It is safe to let go.
It is safe to feel.
I release the need to be right.
I release all fears.
The past is over.
I willingly release the past.
I am at peace with life.
I am at peace.
I decide to be me.
I feel safe to be me.
I am my own authority.
The world is safe and friendly.
I am totally safe in the Universe.
It is safe to be alive.
I am safe.
I forgive everyone.
I forgive myself.
I forgive all past experiences.
I now create a safe new future.
I know that life always supports me.
The Universe totally supports me.
I choose to be a winner in life.
I choose to see my self-worth.
I now discover how wonderful I am.
I am loving and lovable.
I am worthwhile.
I love and approve of myself.
I choose joy and self-acceptance.
I am love.
I see others with love.
I see with the yes of love.
I love myself.
I open myself to life.
I am filled with joy.
Only love surrounds me.
I am a Divine expression of life.
I choose to love and enjoy myself.
I choose to be free.
I am free.
Life is for me.
I choose to live.
I live in the now.
I love life.
I trust life.
Each moment in life is perfect.
I trust the process of life.
I move forward easily in life.
My life is sweet.
My life is a joy.
Miracles happen every day.

~ Louise Hay 

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