Sunday, September 11, 2011

Can't Sleep

Two nights in a row of disrupted, fragmented sleep.  It's exhausting!  I was up at 1, 3, here am I back again at 5.  It has something to do with these weird dreams I'm having, I'm sure. 

Of course, my back is killing me.  Seems I've had a bladder infection for well over a month that I can't get rid of.  Wonder where that came from?  Haven't had one in years.  I guess I'll be calling the doctor back on Monday. 

I hate it when you dream you have gotten a text, email, instant message and you can hear your computer ding the notification sound.  It's crazy to be that attuned to your technology, that it wakes you up.  And, even crazier that the first thing you do when you wake up is look at your BB and turn on your computer.

What a life?  LOL

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