Friday, April 23, 2010

Early Meeting

This morning's meeting went well...

I accepted and took responsibility for the things I had not accomplished in my business plan, to date. The constructive criticism from my mentor and friend was as usual, very helpful.

We talked a little about my personal life, or lack thereof. I told him about my "blog" and the recent issues I had with it. He reminded me of what a BETTER place I was in now than I was in when he met me 3 years ago. Of course, he doesn't know the whole song and dance, but he knows enough to know how unhealthy I was.

It amazes me what people see from the outside looking in. If only we had the same perception about our own lives, we could free ourselves from so much pain and misery. I have to believe it is all part of the big plan that God has for us. I have walked this path for a reason, one that will be revealed in his time.

I look in the mirror, I see a beautiful person on the inside and out, yet one with so much anger. I shall pray for that anger to be taken away from me every day. I will no longer deny it.

I am a blessed woman with a wonderful life, a fabulous family, amazing career that allows me to help others and impeccable friends. Thank you God.

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