Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Wishing my children; Joseph (Mary), Kristen (Mike), and Hunter (Danielle), a Happy Thanksgiving, as well as my four grandchildren, Harrison, Nicole, Rachel and Eleanor.  Your Princess loves you sooooo much! 

I am so thankful for my life on this earth, for all of the many blessings God has graced me with, love, family, friends, career, health, forgiveness, and the promise of eternity in the next life. 
I also thank you for the challenges; they make me a stronger, more faithful woman.

I miss all of my loved ones that have gone before me, Daddy, Mama, my dear husband, Gibson, and most recently on 10/28/11, my brother, Charles.  I grieve for you all because I am human, and a passionate woman.  I shall see you again when my journey is complete.



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